Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Best regards, YUKO Team

Dmytro Illuk at the FIA Motorsport Games!

Our athlete represents Ukraine - together to victory!

Be brave like Ukraine

Export to 80+ countries

Approvals from leading automakers


By Application
By type

Passenger vehicle

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Commercial transport

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Small machinery

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Agricultural machinery

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Industrial equipment

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Service products

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Engine oils

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Transmission oils

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Industrial oils

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Service products

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For partners

When choosing motor oil, you base your choice on trust in the manufacturer, in his brand.
No trust ‒ no purchase.
Usually, your trust is caused by market leaders, brands that adhere to the highest standards, play only by the rules and are constantly developing.
This is the essence of the principle of primacy, which we diligently follow.

Commercial Director

YUKO lubricants are exported to more than 80 countries located on all six continents of the planet.

To become a partner

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