Ukrainian motor oils Yuko are sent to the Ukrainian polar station "Akademik Vernadsky"
Now, YUKO motor oil produced by JV Yukoil LLC, will operate at the Akademik Vernadsky polar station and the icebreaker "Noosphera" recently acquired by the state for the needs of our polar explorers. It should be noted that this is the first precedent when Ukrainian-made motor oil is sent to the white continent to work in the most difficult conditions in order to ensure the life of the station.
Evgeny Dikiy, Director of the National Antarctic Science Center (NASC)
In the photo: Eugen Dikiy, director of DU NANTS, V'yacheslav Marchenko, patron of the director of DU NANTS
- Generators for the polar station are both heat and light, and, in the end, the possibility of the entire expedition for a long time on a remote continent. Recently, new VOLVO PENTA diesel generators were purchased to provide energy. The old units of this brand have worked in Antarctica for 40 years, so we install equipment fr om a trusted manufacturer and hope that the new ones will work no less. The only thing we change is the engine oil. This year they preferred the Ukrainian-made Yuko motor oil, offered as sponsorship by our new partner, the manufacturer of lubricants JV Yukoil LLC.
We are sincerely grateful to the Ukrainian business, which is increasingly turning towards science and is not the first time helping us both financially and organizationally, taking over some business processes and solving logistics issues.
We, in turn, tend to give preference to Ukrainian products during purchases. And we know that there are enterprises in Ukraine that are worthy of competing with European products, this has already been verified in previous expeditions. In general, our station is exactly the platform wh ere not only people, but also technologies are tested for strength. After all, where else but in Antarctica, nature has created such super-difficult working conditions. Therefore, for our new partner, this is a super task! However, we believe in our domestic manufacturer and confidently go to Antarctica together with YUKO.
Olga Grechko, head of the PR-service of LLC JV Yukoil.
- We treat this project with special warmth and great responsibility, because we understand how important motor oil plays a role in the life of the polar station. Our technical team has now carefully studied all the regulatory documents and requirements of the manufacturer of VOLVO PENTA diesel generators to sel ect the optimal engine oils fr om the Yuko product range. We will even go for the development of a new product if there is no ready-made solution. In addition, we also received a request for the selection of oils for the icebreaker, purchased for the needs of the State Institution of the National Academy of Sciences, therefore, we plan to completely close this issue at our own expense.
Of course, the provision of engine oil is only a part of a large-scale project aimed at comprehensive support of domestic science, namely, the work of the Akademik Vernadsky station. All projects will be actively covered in the media during their implementation.
Until now, YUKO motor oils have been exported to more than 80 countries of the world, and it is nice to know that from now on it will work on all continents of the planet, including Antarctica!
The technical oil plant LLC JV Yukoil was built in 2002 with the participation of German partners and today is one of the most modern industrial enterprises in the industry in Eastern Europe. During the construction, strict environmental safety requirements were taken into account for such facilities in the countries of the European Union. YUKO is a brand of modern automotive and industrial oils and lubricants successfully exported to more than 80 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, North and South America.